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Media Reflections

Karapınar Solar Power Plant, one of the largest solar power plants in Turkey, will meet the domestic electricity needs of 2 million people. Click more information.

Kalyon Karapınar Solar Power Plant | Kalyon Energy

03.05.2023 | SABAH
Karapınar Solar Power Plant, one of the largest solar power plants in Turkey, will meet the domestic electricity needs of 2 million people. Click more information.
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Kalyon Energy is making a 1 billion dollar green energy investment in Konya. With the solar power plant, which is the size of 2,800 football fields, the annual electricity costs of more than 2 million people will be covered.

1 Billion Dollar Energy Investment in Konya | Kalyon Energy

27.04.2023 | DÜNYA
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The World's Largest Solar Power Plant Begins Producing Electricity

15.04.2023 | AA
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Kalyon Enerji Executive Board Member Dr. Special statements from Murtaza Ata: He talked about Turkey's goals and special projects regarding renewable energy resources.

Special Statements from Kalyon Enerji Executive Board Member Murtaza Ata

08.12.2022 | TAKVİM
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A cooperation agreement was signed between Kalyon Enerji and Germany-based Fraunhofer Institute of Solar Energies (ISE) for the development of the solar energy industry.

Kalyon Enerji and Fraunhofer Institute Collaboration | Kalyon Energy

12.10.2022 | Energy Economics
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