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Karapınar Solar Power Plant, one of the largest solar power plants in Turkey, will meet the domestic electricity needs of 2 million people. Click more information.

Kalyon Karapınar Solar Power Plant | Kalyon Energy

5/3/2023 12:00:00 AM | SABAH
Karapınar Solar Power Plant, one of the largest solar power plants in Turkey, will meet the domestic electricity needs of 2 million people. Click more information.
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Kalyon Energy is making a 1 billion dollar green energy investment in Konya. With the solar power plant, which is the size of 2,800 football fields, the annual electricity costs of more than 2 million people will be covered.

1 Billion Dollar Energy Investment in Konya | Kalyon Energy

4/27/2023 12:00:00 AM | DÜNYA
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The World's Largest Solar Power Plant Begins Producing Electricity

4/15/2023 12:00:00 AM | AA
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Kalyon Enerji Executive Board Member PhD. Special statements from Murtaza Ata: He talked about Turkey's goals and special projects regarding renewable energy resources.

Special Statements from Kalyon Enerji Executive Board Member Murtaza Ata

12/8/2022 12:00:00 AM | TAKVİM
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A cooperation agreement was signed between Kalyon Enerji and Germany-based Fraunhofer Institute of Solar Energies (ISE) for the development of the solar energy industry.

Kalyon Enerji and Fraunhofer Institute Collaboration | Kalyon Energy

10/12/2022 12:00:00 AM | Energy Economics
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Sustainability and the fight against climate change stand before us as one of the pressing topics of our present day and the forthcoming period. At Kalyon Enerji, we have focused our investments on renewable energy, with the future generations in mind.
Positioned among companies with the highest renewable and clean energy capacity in Türkiye in the impact investment ecosystem; we are aware of our responsibilities towards providing a clean nature, efficient energy and a healthier society. With the aim of reducing our reliance on foreign energy sources, enhancing energy efficiency, and mitigating air pollution, we actively pursue measures to expand the utilization of renewable energy sources.

In pursuit of our goal to make clean and renewable energy more accessible, we have forged a strategic partnership with International Energy Holding (IEH) in 2022. IEH is a subsidiary of the rapidly growing International Holding Company (IHC), based in the United Arab Emirates. IHC is renowned as one of the world's largest investment firms.

Aligned with our steadfast commitment to sustainable energy and our unwavering vision of contributing to the economy, encapsulated by our motto "Our Energy is National, Our Future is Strong!", we are planning substantial investments worth billions of dollars in partnership with our 50 percent partner, International Energy Holding (IEH). We persistently further our investments for a greener planet and a more livable future. As one of the key players in our sector, we aim to consolidate Kalyon Enerji's positioning in Türkiye's sustainable development within our region. In order to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, around which we center our investments, we will propel our local activities to a global scale.   
Murtaza ATA, PhD
Kalyon Enerji


Kalyon Karapınar Güneş Enerjisi Santralimiz Açıldı
Dünden Bugüne Kalyon Karapınar Güneş Enerjisi Santrali
Dünden Bugüne Kalyon Karapınar Güneş Enerjisi Santrali
Kalyon Karapınar Güneş Enerjisi Santrali Hayırlı Olsun
Kalyon Karapınar Güneş Enerjisi Santrali Hayırlı Olsun
1-7 Haziran Türkiye Çevre Günü ve 5 Haziran Dünya Çevre Günü Kutlu Olsun
1-7 Haziran Türkiye Çevre Günü ve 5 Haziran Dünya Çevre Günü Kutlu Olsun



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