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We currently operate a total installed capacity of 1,350 MWp in commercial Solar Power Plants. With the ongoing construction projects scheduled for commissioning in September 2023, December 2023, and June 2023, totaling 390 MWp, our total installed capacity will reach 1,740 MWp.

Kalyon Karapınar SPP

Kalyon Karapınar SPP
The largest solar energy facility in Türkiye and Europe, and one of the largest in the world, Kalyon Karapınar SPP features approximately 3.5 million solar panels spanning an area of approximately 20 million square meters, equivalent to the size of 2600 football fields, reclaiming for economic use a previously ecologically degraded and desertified land. Construction of the plant began in August 2020, and it reached full operational capacity in March 2023. One of the key components of the project, photovoltaic panels, were manufactured with an 80% local content at the Kalyon PV Solar Technologies factory in Ankara to be used in the Karapınar YEKA-1 SPP project. The project also features a east-west axis solar tracking system (single-axis tracker). This system increases power generation efficiency by 15% compared to fixed angle panels.

The project, with its 1,350 MWp installed capacity, generates nearly 3 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, providing clean energy for a city with a population of 2 million. Furthermore, it contributes significantly to Türkiye’s solar energy capacity, resulting in a 15% growth, while also preventing approximately 1.7 million tonnes of carbon emissions annually.

As one of the world’s top five largest solar energy facilities, Kalyon Karapınar YEKA-1 Solar Power Plant plays a crucial role in reducing Türkiye’s energy dependence as we continue to progress with the strength of this unique land and its people.

"Through domestic and national energy production, we contribute to our country’s development and work towards a more sustainable world."

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Bor-3 SPP entered Kalyon Enerji’s portfolio through a competition held on March 30, 2022, under the scope of YEKA SPP-4. Located near the Bor Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) in the vicinity of Emen Village, Bor-3 SPP has a capacity of 100 MWe / 130 MWp. It is an important project that is poised to enhance Türkiye’s and Kalyon Enerji’s renewable energy capabilities.

The installation and construction works began in March, with a target completion date by the end of 2023. It offers significant employment opportunities to the local community, employing approximately 400 individuals during installation and around 30 during operation.

Upon completion, it will occupy an area of approximately 2 million square meters and utilize a total of 325,080 bifacial solar panels produced at the Kalyon PV factory. The project aims to generate an estimated 275,000 MWh of electricity annually, meeting the daily electricity needs of around 75,000 households (approximately 300,000 people).

Bor Solar Power Plant helps reduce environmental footprint by preventing approximately 180,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually.

Viranşehir SPP

Viranşehir SPP
Following the YEKA-4 Viranşehir-Erzin competition on June 28, 2022, Kalyon Enerji was awarded the right to develop the Viranşehir-5 SPP, Viranşehir-7 SPP, and Viranşehir-8 SPP projects, each with a capacity of 50 MWe.

These three plants will have a final combined installed capacity of 195 MWp, and feature 488,000 photovoltaic modules on an area of 2.7 million square meters. The plants are scheduled to reach full capacity by 2024 with an estimated annual electricity production of over 390,000 MWh, meeting the daily electricity needs of approximately 110,000 households (approximately 440,000 people).
This will prevent approximately 255,000 tonnes of carbon emissions. The project will play a vital role in meeting the region’s agricultural energy needs through clean, affordable, and domestic resources. It will also contribute to the local economy and employment opportunities.

Gaziantep SPP

Gaziantep SPP
Our company plans to complete the construction of a 65 MWp solar power plant in Gaziantep, a city of significant historical importance, by the end of 2023. Under the scope of YEKA-3 SPP competitions, Kalyon Enerji secured the rights to Gaziantep-1 (20 MWe), Gaziantep-2 (20 MWe), and Gaziantep-3 (10 MWe) power plants. Suitable locations have been identified for these three power plants, and the YEKA announcement has been published in the Official Gazette.

The project will utilize over 165,000 highly localized PV modules. Using a single-axis solar tracking system, the project is expected to generate approximately 130,000 MWh of electricity annually, meeting the daily electricity needs of approximately 40,000 households (approximately 160,000 people) and preventing approximately 100,000 tonnes of carbon emissions.


As of today, our investments in wind energy have reached a total installed capacity of 1,220 MWe.


The “Competition for Allocation of Renewable Energy Resource Areas and Connection Capacities for Wind Energy”, organized by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, was won by the YEKA WPP consortium with a record low offer.

The project is part of the portfolio of Kalyon Enerji, which holds a 40% stake.

The tender involves 6 separate WPPs with a total capacity of 1,000 MW, all utilizing domestically manufactured wind turbines.

YEKA WPP consists of 6 separate WPPs with a combined capacity of 1,000 MW, all utilizing domestically manufactured wind turbines. Pre-licenses for these WPPs have been obtained, and development processes are ongoing.

Sergen WPP
145 MW
Balkaya WPP
260 MW
Edirne WPP
295 MW
Yellice WPP
160 MW
Gürün WPP
90 MW
Eskişehir WPP
50 MW


  • Total installed capacity: 1,000 MW
  • Approximately 3.5 billion kWh of annual electricity generation
  • Meeting the annual electricity needs of 1.2 million households
  • Reducing annual CO2 emissions by ~3.2 million tonnes
  • Wind turbine production using at least 65% locally produced components
  • Production of a minimum of 150 units or 400 MW of wind turbines in a single shift per year
  • 10 years of R&D in wind technologies to be led by 50 domestic engineers
  • Additional employment for 400 during turbine manufacturing
  • Contribution to the export of wind turbines and local components
  • Additional employment for 500 during construction and operation
  • Contribution to reducing energy dependence

Construction activities to begin in 2025, with completion planned for 2029.

Bilecik WPP

Bilecik WPP
The R3-Bilecik-6 WPP, with a licensed capacity of 70 MWe, is located within the Söğüt and Tepebaşı districts of Bilecik and Eskişehir, and it is expected to generate 280,000 MWh of electricity annually, meeting the electricity needs of approximately 75,000 households (approximately 300,000 people). This clean energy production will prevent approximately 180,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually.

Construction for the R3-Bilecik-6 WPP is planned to begin in the first quarter of 2024, with full capacity expected to be achieved by the fourth quarter of 2024.  

Ankara WPP

Ankara WPP
The R3-Ankara-2-1 WPP, with a licensed capacity of 50 MWe, is located within the Şereflikoçhisar and Evren districts of Ankara, and it is expected to generate 200,000 MWh of electricity annually, meeting the electricity needs of approximately 50,000 households (approximately 200,000 people). This clean energy production will prevent approximately 130,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually.

Construction for the R3-Ankara-2-1 WPP is planned to begin in the first quarter of 2024, with full capacity expected to be achieved by the fourth quarter of 2024.

Elazığ WPP

Elazığ WPP
The R3-Elazığ-1 WPP, with a licensed capacity of 40 MWe, is located within the Maden district of Elazığ, and it is expected to generate 160,000 MWh of electricity annually, meeting the electricity needs of approximately 45,000 households (approximately 180,000 people). This clean energy production will prevent approximately 100,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually.  

Construction for the R3-Elazığ-1 WPP is planned to begin in the first quarter of 2024, with full capacity expected to be achieved by the fourth quarter of 2024.

Trabzon WPP

Trabzon WPP
The R3-Trabzon-1 WPP, with a licensed capacity of 20 MWe, is located within the Çaykara and Merkez districts of Trabzon and Bayburt, and it is expected to generate 80,000 MWh of electricity annually, meeting the electricity needs of approximately 23,000 households (approximately 92,000 people). This clean energy production will prevent approximately 50,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually.

Construction for the R3-Trabzon-1 WPP is planned to begin in the first quarter of 2024, with full capacity expected to be achieved by the fourth quarter of 2024.

Bayburt WPP

Bayburt WPP
The R3-Bayburt-5 WPP, with a licensed capacity of 40 MWe, is located within the Merkez and Aydıntepe districts of Bayburt, and it is expected to generate 160,000 MW of electricity annually, meeting the electricity needs of approximately 45,000 households (approximately 180,000 people). This clean energy production will prevent approximately 100,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually.

Construction for the R3-Bayburt-5 WPP is planned to begin in the first quarter of 2024, with full capacity expected to be achieved by the third quarter of 2024.


Currently, our installed capacity for Renewable Energy stands at 2.960 MW. Our goal is to hit 5000 MW by the end of 2030.
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