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PFI – ESG Project of the Year in Europe – London
Proximo – European Solar Deal of the Year – Lisbon
EMEA Finance – Best Green-line Syndicated Loan – London
Bonds&Loans – ESG Loan Deal of the Year – İstanbul



Focusing on renewable resources for energy supply, Kalyon Enerji has developed and implemented this Sustainability Policy to ensure that its impact investments are according to the United Nations Global Principles and Sustainability Development Goals, local and international legislation and best practices.

Kalyon Enerji's Sustainability Policy has adopted to establish and maintain the organizational structure necessary to ensure environmental, social and economic sustainability. In this context, Environment and Climate Change Policy, Occupational Health and Safety Policy, Social Impact and Human Rights Policy, Human Resources Policy, Quality Policy and Integrated Management Systems sub-policies and procedures have been prepared and both this policy and sub-policies will be systematically reviewed according to the requirements of the day and updated when necessary.

Our Sustainability Policy encourages and supports the following key elements and the work to be done to comply with these elements.

  • Offsetting Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Climate Change-Focused Design and Site Selection
  • Waste Management Hierarchy Compatible with Circular Economy Principles
  • Nature-Based Solutions
  • Occupational hygiene
  • Employee safety
  • Stakeholder safety
  • Road safety
  • Operations and Process Safety.
  • Social Impact Management and Development
  • Diversity, Equality and Inclusion
  • Respect for Human Rights
  • Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Leadership
  • Innovation
  • Agility
  • Value Chain Optimization
  • Operational Integrity
  • Results driven
  • Conformity to the requirements
  • Risk-Based Proactive Approach
  • Data-Driven Decision Making
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Merit-oriented,
  • Participant,
  • Supporting talented human resources and career development,
  • Innovative,
  • Raising leaders who are compatible with the vision and mission of the company,
  • It is the creation of a corporate culture that prioritizes cultural values.

In this context, Kalyon Enerji undertakes and declares this document as its Sustainability Policy, where at all projects and investments Kalyon Enerji commits;

  • That the necessary resources and budget will be allocated to ensure environmental, social and economic sustainability and continuous improvement in our business processes,
  • We will make investment decisions by identifying and evaluating environmental, social and corporate governance risks in our new investment plans,
  • The necessary precautionary steps for mitigation of risks will be determined and necessary work will be carried out for mitigation,
  • To establish and maintain a system that is open to innovative systems and technologies and encourages employee participation,
  • We will transparently apply National and International Sustainability reporting and principles in our subsidiaries and all our new investments,
  • In order to improve the performance of our business processes while preparing our reports, we will follow up by determining key performance indicators and monitoring parameters to make comparisons with previous years and make the necessary plans for the next year,


Kalyon Energy Investments Inc, is an energy company that satisfies the energy requirements of our country from renewable energy resources and continues its investments in this context with a competitive and dynamic structure.

Kalyon Enerji develops practices in this direction at every stage of its activities with a sense of responsibility focused on "Environment and Climate Change" and plays an inclusive role in the sector so that all its stakeholders, including the supply chain, determine their strategies with the same understanding and sensitivity.

Our main target is realizing all investments by using “Good International Industry Practices” and most up-to-date technology with the main focus and sensitivity on ecological factors and climate change.

The basic elements of our Environment and Climate Change approaches are;

  • Offsetting Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Climate Change-Focused Design and Site Selection
  • Waste Management Hierarchy Compatible with Circular Economy Principles
  • Nature-Based Solutions

In this context, Kalyon Enerji undertakes and declares this document as its Environment and Climate Change Policy, where at all projects and investments Kalyon Enerji commits;

  • To work with the strategy of complying with and contributing to commitments accepted at the global and national level,
  • Reducing the environmental impacts that may occur from its activities and protecting the ecosystem components,
  • To determine the effects and mitigation measures, and to make plans accordingly, by taking into account the requirements of national and international environmental and climate change legislation, company policies and procedures in all its activities,
  • Natural resources will be used sustainably throughout the life cycle of its activities,
  • To ensure reuse, recovery/recycling, and disposal in compliance with the waste management hierarchy and zero waste targets to prevent and reduce the environmental impact of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes that may occur from its activities,
  • Ensuring biodiversity and ecosystem services management, to conduct construction of its investments in parallel with the needs of humans and nature whereas conserving the populations of species,
  • To be aware of climate change and required mitigation measures in parallel with “Sustainable Development Goals” by reducing greenhouse gas emissions that may occur from its activities,
  • To develop effective design and site selection mechanisms by taking into account the effects of climate change in its investments,
  • To provide resources and infrastructure to be used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and carry out climate change adaptation activities and increase these resources and infrastructure where necessary,
  • To ensure establishing a cooperation mechanism for the active participation of all stakeholders in the activities carried out within the scope of climate change,
  • To develop the environment and climate change policy with a dynamic understanding within the scope of globally developing and changing legislation,


Kalyon Energy Investments Inc., which has a say in the field of Renewable Energy, continues its activities with the goal of "Zero accident" by prioritizing an up-to-date and sustainable Occupational Health and Safety strategy for its employees, who are its most important value and resource, and all parties and stakeholders with which it interacts.

Within the scope of the Occupational Health and Safety Management Strategy, we know and sincerely believe in the importance of the visible leadership and commitment of the Management to provide a safe working environment for its employees in all our investments and to ensure that the Occupational Health and Safety Company culture reaches the level of "Generative" OHS Culture.

The basic elements of our risk-based and preventive “Occupational Health and Safety Management Strategy” are;

  • Occupational hygiene
  • Employee safety
  • Stakeholder safety
  • Road safety
  • Operations and Process Safety.

In this context, Kalyon Enerji undertakes and declares this document as its Occupational Health and Safety Policy, where at all projects and investments Kalyon Enerji commits;

  • To prevent incidents/accidents and occupational diseases that may occur in our facilities and all new investments,
  • To comply with all national and international legislation with an integrated and systematic Occupational Health and Safety Management System approach,
  • It is the “Right to Stop Working” following the determination of the unsafe or unhealthy working conditions of the employees,
  • To eliminate our high-risk activities in our areas of activity within the framework of the Risk Control Hierarchy or to reduce them to a manageable level,
  • To follow the current developments in the field of Occupational Health and Safety, to implement the best practices in our activities and to take a leadership role in this regard,
  • To improve our Occupational Health and Safety performance and to share it transparently,
  • To increase the awareness of our employees, their families, suppliers, visitors, local people, stakeholders and official authorities on the subject and to promote occupational health and safety awareness through continuous training, awareness raising and effective communication activities,


Social Impact and Human Rights Policy is a fundamental part of Kalyon Energy's strategic commitment to sustainable development. Our sustainability approach is based on effective environmental, social and governance practices and developed with the principle of transparency.

Kalyon Energy's Social Impact and Human Rights Policy takes the development and requirements of national and international good practices as the main reference. Our practices in line with our policy aim to take our performance to the next level in order to achieve our goals.

The Key Elements of Our Social Impact and Human Rights Policy Approaches are expressed under the following main aspects:

  • Social Impact Management and Development
  • Diversity, Equality and Inclusion
  • Respect for Human Rights
  • Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption
  • Supply Chain Management

In this context, Kalyon Energy commit and declare this document as our Social Impact and Human Rights Policy.

  • To establish a sustainable management system and to address the risks and impacts in all its investments and subsidiaries,
  • To set targets to prevent and minimize risks and impacts and, where significant residual impact remain, to compensate or offset such impacts,
  • To identify vulnerable persons and people and to develop specific measures for them to address their sensitivities,
  • To disclose the relevant information in all our investments and subsidiaries and to ensure the participation of the stakeholders,
  • To manage social risks effectively throughout the life cycle of our investments,
  • To provide a uniform grievance redress mechanism for the handling of concerns and complaints arising in connection with our activities and to address concerns and complaints within specified processes,
  • To ensure that our employees and all stakeholders affected by our activities have access to the grievance redress mechanism,
  • Within the framework of the principle of inclusivity, to adopt the idea that all people, including disadvantaged persons, have access to services and benefits such as education, health, social protection, infrastructure, energy, employment, financial services and to promote equality and non-discrimination,
  • To admit the diversity of our employees and stakeholders, including their talents, attitudes, perspectives, strengths, and skills, as the determining element of our success,
  • Within the framework of the principle of equality, to create a workplace where everyone is valued, differences are respected and equal opportunities and equal treatment are provided to everyone,
  • To ensure that there is no prejudice or discrimination against the individuals or communities affected by our investments and that special attention is paid to local communities and disadvantaged or vulnerable persons, in particular where adverse effects may arise or development benefits are to be shared,
  • To maximize stakeholder engagement through enhanced consultation, engagement, and accountability,
  • To comply with national and international EHSS regulations and standards in our activities,
  • To comply with national and international regulations and standards for the protection of personal data and to respect private life,
  • To prevent child labor and all forms of forced or compulsory labor,
  • To ensure freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining and the payment of fair wages that enable employees to meet their basic needs,
  • To ensure that all our employees work in healthy, safe, and respectful conditions for their rights and dignity,
  • To respect the right to freedom of travel,
  • To treat all employees fairly and not to discriminate on any ground regardless of ethnicity, nationality, religion, age, gender, and disability,
  • To respect the rights of people in communities that may be affected by our activities, including minorities, migrants, and other vulnerable groups,
  • Not to retaliate in our practices and to ensure that all individuals can legally exercise their right to freedom of expression, association, peaceful protest, or assembly within the framework of human rights,
  • To agree contractually agreements with our contractors and suppliers within nationally and internationally accepted frameworks,
  • To ensure that our employees work in a consistent set of standards specified in our code of conduct, which is part of their employment contracts,
  • To take safe and ethical decisions with our employment contracts and code of conduct, to act responsibly and to comply with national and international legislation,
  • Not to be involved in any kind of bribery or corruption with our company rules and policies,
  • To apply the relevant sanctions against the attitudes and behaviors targeting fundamental rights and freedoms inside or outside the workplace,
  • To develop relations with suppliers who adhere to our code of conduct in our supply chain process and act in accordance with these rules,
  • To monitor supply chance processes as part of the monitoring process, in all our investments and subsidiaries,
  • To encourage our primary suppliers to take steps to prevent or correct nonconformities,


Kalyon Enerji adopts quality principles of operating each business processes in harmony, producing, maintaining right-first-time, fast and defect-free results, and sustaining, and continuously improving them in the basis of common goals and objectives by establishing effective cooperation with its stakeholders, in line with its mission and vision statements and in parallel with its sustainability policies and strategies.

Based on these principles, the Fundamental Elements of our quality approach are expressed under the following main headings:

  • Leadership
  • Innovation
  • Agility
  • Value Chain Optimization
  • Operational Integrity
  • Results driven
  • Conformity to the requirements
  • Risk-Based Proactive Approach
  • Data-Driven Decision Making
  • Continuous Improvement

In this context, Kalyon Enerji commits and declares this document as its Quality Policy:

  • To motivate and lead its employees and supply chain in line with universal principles,
  • To use innovation effectively in every field, be open to innovation, focus on innovative thinking to develop and offer creative solutions for the needs of its stakeholders,
  • To embrace change, be agile to adapt quickly to the changing business conditions and provide prompt solutions,
  • To optimize business processes from an end-to-end value chain perspective and make the workflow more efficient,
  • To ensure operational integrity with all his stakeholders by working in cooperation with its internal and external stakeholders in line with common goals,
  • To meet stakeholder expectations within defined quality and time parameters,
  • To identify, monitor and fully meet the national and international quality requirements that must be complied while carrying out its business processes,
  • To add value to its stakeholders and business processes proactively by adopting a risk-based approach in business plans and current practices,
  • To Support the decisions taken with data, make knowledge-based decisions and adapt it as a company culture,
  • To get focus on value, create value stream, maintain flow, continuously improve them in order to achieve excellence.


Kalyon Energy Human Resources Policy; within the scope of ethical values, vision, mission and competencies; adopts the concept of Human Resources Management, which puts development, technology, quality, environment and social responsibility awareness as a principle.

The basic elements of our Human Resources Management approaches are;

  • Merit-oriented,
  • Participant,
  • Supporting talented human resources and career development,
  • Innovative,
  • Raising leaders who are compatible with the vision and mission of the company,
  • It is the creation of a corporate culture that prioritizes cultural values.

In this context; Kalyon Enerji undertakes and declares this document as its Human Resources Policy, where at all projects and investments Kalyon Enerji commits;

  • Based on the principles of Human Rights, Equality and Inclusivity; Recruitment, Orientation and Integration, Wage Management, Performance Management, Promotion, Career Management, Training, and Development Management; To apply equal opportunity in the entire Human Resources management process without discrimination due to basic human characteristics such as language, religion, race, gender, age, marital status, pregnancy status,
  • Befitting human dignity; with the aim of creating a healthy and supportive work environment; adopt a communication language approach within the framework of equality and inclusiveness in all communication processes, both written and verbal, between employees,
  • Kalyon Energy acts with the awareness of social responsibility, especially the laws; In accordance with the legislation and regulations, it does not allow people under the age of 18 or child workers to be employed, and develops projects for them to continue their education life and supports the projects developed for them,
  • To provide employment for the integration of disabled people into society and working life, and to pay attention not to exceed the working hours set by the legal regulations for all employees,
  • By encouraging female employees to take part in decision-making management positions; To prevent the disruptions that may occur in their careers due to the pregnancy process and provide the necessary support for them to continue their careers after the pregnancy process,
  • Considering the market standards and conditions; on the basis of the principles of justice and equal pay for equal work; by applying wage management according to the level structure and competencies; to protect all the rights of the employees,
  • To implement a performance system within the framework of the employee's level of knowledge, experience, competence and the requirements of the role and responsibility he has taken, and the principles of justice, transparency, and inclusiveness,
  • To contribute to the development process of the employee effectively and efficiently with the results of the performance system and to make promotion decisions based on the results of the transparent performance system,
  • To determine and manage training programs according to the personal, technical, and professional development needs of employee
  • To create internship programs for students; To support them to prepare for the professional business life they will encounter after graduation and to gain experience in this direction,
  • Our employment contracts; while ensuring that we operate safely and ethically and comply with applicable laws; to establish an anti-bribery or anti-corruption system,
  • To apply the relevant sanctions against all kinds of acts of violence and attitudes and behaviours targeting fundamental rights and freedoms inside or outside the workplace,
  • Keeping employee satisfaction at the forefront, and in this context, creating the necessary incentives to strengthen motivation and loyalty to the institution,
  • Keeping the balance between the private life and business life of the employees.


Sustainability is a form of understanding that considers protecting the environment and nature as a top priority for present and future living conditions. This understanding has been discussed in the broadest scale within the scope of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which are structured around 5 pillars. These 5 pillars are;

  • Planet
  • People
  • Prosperity
  • Collaborations
  • Peace.

In this context, Kalyon Enerji aims to carry out its activities as per its vision and mission by integrating the sustainability approach into all its studies and creating policies accordingly. For this purpose, Kalyon Enerji manages its activities, resources, risks, and impacts that concern all its stakeholders, including the supply chain, by establishing an ESG system.

There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) determined by the United Nations.

Kalyon Enerji plans its impact investments based on 4 main SDGs among these 17 SDGs. The biggest and first investment launched as part of these goals is the Konya Karapınar SPP Project. Konya Karapınar SPP Project directly contributes to SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy, SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDG 13 Climate Action, and SDG 15 Life on Land.


Kalyon Enerji is aware of the standards regarding quality, environment, occupational health and safety established by the "International Standards Organization (ISO)" in order to increase international communication and cooperation and to encourage the fair growth of international trade, and carries out its activities with this understanding.

Importance and priority are given to the correct definition, evaluation, and reduction of all risks and impacts related to our responsibility for national and international legislation. You can access the certifications we have obtained for our businesses within the scope of our Integrated Management System under the ESG Awards and Certifications tab.


Climate Change is one of the most prominent and determinants of today's problems on a global scale, from changing weather conditions to devastating flood risks.

If necessary, precautions are not taken against the effects of climate change, it will become more difficult and complex to adapt to these effects in the future. In this context, increase population and living standards cause cumulative greenhouse gas emissions and, accordingly, an increase in average global temperatures. Kalyon Enerji produces low-emission energy by using renewable energy sources as part of the fight against the climate crisis. Our activities in the Renewable Energy Sector provide the greatest contribution to mitigation measures in accordiance with our national target with the Konya Karapınar SPP Project. SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy and SDG 13 Climate Action are our main focus SDGs.


Our aim is to protect and ensure the sustainability of biodiversity, natural habitats, and ecosystems with our commitment to the environment and living nature.

In this context, by adopting sustainable development goals, prevention of habitat distribution that may occur as a result of project activities, monitoring of flora and fauna components, particularly protected and sensitive species, translocation and protection of threatened species, bird monitoring studies on migration routes, restoration and landscaping and awareness and training of biodiversity by creating a positive effect with a nature-based understanding are the management strategies, which is targeted by Kalyon Enerji. SDG 15 Life on Land is our main focus SDG.


Active management and monitoring of social impacts in our investments also help us achieve our sustainable development goals.

Our approach includes the changes necessitated by challenging issues that are becoming increasingly important to sustainable businesses, including stakeholder engagement, community health and safety, valuing employees, supply chain management, climate change and human rights. Our aim is to create a corporate culture that respects human rights, sustainable sources of living, health, well-being and diversity, equality and inclusion. SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth is our main focus.


Ensuring the occupational health and safety of our employees, who are the invaluable pillars of our investments, projects, and facilities in the renewable energy sector, remains our utmost priority without any compromise. Kalyon Enerji consistently strives to establish and maintain a safe and sustainable work environment.

In this regard, all national and international legislation along with best and current practices are kept track of and implemented as part of our OHS Management system. In addition to providing legal training relevant to their roles, we empower our employees with additional training to enhance their awareness of occupational safety culture, foster behavioral development, and encourage active participation in our OHS processes. Kalyon Enerji furthers its efforts to set an example with its actions regarding occupational health and safety at all levels, taking into consideration that all incidents and accidents can be prevented. Electrical Safety and Control Measures in all our operational facilities with the Work Permit System and Lockout - Tagout (LOTO applications are implemented at the highest level to eliminate all electrical hazards.


Instead of the throw-away approach which is the traditional production-consumption model consideration, circular business models that provide more efficient resource use are adopted in our activities to protect the ecosystem.

Our Energy Management System is a part of this understanding. In addition, efficient use of natural resources is aimed with the reuse and recycling/recovery of our wastes. In this context, transition processes from “Waste Management to Resource Management Approach” are followed based on national and international legislation and good practices.


Kalyon Enerji handles Diversity and Inclusion with a holistic approach in order to achieve its sustainability goals. The systematic management of social impacts and the promotion of inclusion play a vital role in achieving sustainable development. This approach also encompasses breaking down barriers and promoting equality for marginalized groups, including women, children, people with disabilities, young people, and minorities, who have been excluded from the development process.

Kalyon Enerji places diversity and inclusion at the heart of its relationship with employees, as it does with all stakeholders. Fostering a culture that recognizes, values, and embraces the uniqueness of each individual is integral to our commitment to embedding diversity into our daily work. This entails accepting and respecting differences such as nationality, age, disability, educational background, gender identity, race, religion, and ethnicity. Anti-racism and gender equality lies at the core of this approach.

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